Helping Ojai Families
Posted on 11.23.2020
By Anna Nozaki
In the spirit of gratitude and community service we are supporting HELP of Ojai's holiday efforts. A portion of all sales during our Gratitude Gift Sale (November 23-29) will be donated to them. We are hosting a food drive and encouraging our community to adopt-a-family and/or senior citizen of Ojai. Please see below for details and join us in supporting those in need here in Ojai.
Adopt-a-family Project
It’s that time of year again! HELP’s Community Assistance Program has sponsored the Adopt-A-Family Project since 1998. This year we will again be prequalifying each family to ensure your gifts go to the neediest families in the Valley as well as to those we are working with on a regular basis to help stabilize their financial and living situations.
We have never had to turn a family in need away, thanks to the support of individuals, businesses, civic organizations and church groups. “Adopting-A-Family” means donating a gift for each child in the family, (suggested $20.00 minimum to $40.00 maximum), and providing a box of non-perishable food items for holiday dinner. We began signing up families on October 1st, and soon we will be able to give you information about the family, which includes the age and gender of each child, clothing size, favorite color and gift suggestion. We know this makes your participation easier and more fulfilling.
Three years ago, we launched our Adopt-A-Senior Project with immense success and are excited to offer it again! This project runs in addition to our family program, so there is still an option to adopt or sponsor a family, or to provide a special holiday food box or little package for our senior clients. You can do either or both!
Once again, we will use our dedicated building at HELP of Ojai’s West Campus, 370 W. Baldwin Road. The Adopt-A-Family donation site at West Campus will be staffed Friday, December 4 from 12-4 pm, and Saturday & Sunday, December 5-6, from 10am-4pm. This is where you drop off your gifts.
If you would like to participate, please fill out the enclosed form and fax, mail or e-mail it to the CAP Office (information attached). The deadline to adopt is Monday, November 30th, but the sooner the better for planning purposes. If you feel that you cannot adopt a family, there are many other ways to participate by volunteering with the project, donating cash for vouchers or food donations. Any surplus monetary donations from this year’s project will be used to support our food pantry. This project has become a most important holiday tradition for the Ojai Valley. We live in a very special community that continues to bring the true holiday spirit to all our lives.
For the ninth year running, the project is being coordinated by our Augustinian Volunteer Intern. Basil Pattammady is with us this year and he is available to answer questions; it is likely you will meet him at some point during your participation. For information, please call Basil at the Community Assistance Program at (805) 640-3320 x303 or email him at basilp@helpofojai.org.
Holiday Food Drive
Drop off any of these food items at Cattywampus by Friday, December 11, 3 pm and we will deliver them to HELP of Ojai collection location at 108 Fox Street.
Holiday items:
turkey stuffing
biscuit mix
cornbread mix
French fried onions
cranberry sauce
cream of mushroom soup
canned gravy
evaporated milk
pumpkin pie mix
pie crust
mashed potato mix
Priority items:
cooking oil
laundry detergent (Tide Pods preferred)
breakfast foods (oatmeal, cereal, pancake mix, syrup)
snacks (cookies, crackers, pudding, granola bars, pretzels)
pasta sauce
chicken/veg broth